Get Relief
Are you looking for chronic pain relief?
Do you suffer from chronic back or leg pain? Have you had back surgery, yet continue to have chronic pain? Are you looking for a non-opioid alternative for your back or leg pain? If you answered “Yes” to any of these, contact us immediately to see if you’re eligible for HF10® Spinal Cord Stimulation.
- Patients report that they are no longer consumed by their pain, are more independent, and are happy again
- The FDA has designated HF10® Spinal Cord Stimulator to be the most advanced and superior SCS treatment for chronic back and leg pain
- HF10® has shown proven relief of chronic neck, back, leg, and foot pain
Yes, I’m ready to find relief
Fill out the form below and we will contact you to set up an appointment to see if you are a candidate.
Innovative Pain & Spine Specialists will make every attempt to contact you within the next business day after receiving your request. Please do not send any medical information or questions through this form. Medical questions will not be answered through this form due to privacy, security, and timeliness concerns. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1.
Can’t wait to talk to someone? Call 402.413.5010
“For over 10 years, I lived with chronic back pain. Even after two discectomy surgeries and a spinal fusion, I still struggled to walk, sit, or mow the lawn. Spinal Cord Stimulation lets me do all those things again – it’s been life-changing for me.”